Give young people the high-quality relationships and sex education they deserve

From september 2019 every school in England will have to teach Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). The current RSE guidance for schools was last updated in 2000, before many of the people reading this were even born.

Young people need RSE so that they have the best chance of staying safe and enjoying healthy relationships as they grow up.

Young people working with the sexual health and wellbeing charities Brook and FPA created a manifesto, outlining what they want and need from their RSE.
They want RSE that:

• Is taught by specially trained teachers
• Includes students in lessons and responds to our needs
• Is a regular part of the school timetable
• Promotes equal, happy relationships
• Includes our families
• Is based on facts not opinions
• Shows us where to go for help
• Promotes LGBT+ equality
• Considers all our needs, including those of people with disabilities and special educational needs
• Helps us to understand things that influence us, including friends, media and religion

Sign this petition today to ask that the Secretary of State for Education listens to the voices of young people and includes their priorities in the new RSE curriculum. You can also respond to the DfE survey here to have your say.

Update #17 years ago
Urgent action on relationships and sex education

We’ve got only THREE DAYS LEFT to make sure young people in England get the relationships and sex education they need – will you take a moment to help?

You can find more information on how you can HAVE YOUR SAY on the Brook website.
Sign Petition
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