McWholeFoods Needs to Ditch Polluting Meat Suppliers

  • by: Mighty Earth
  • recipient: McDonalds CEO Steve Easterbrook and Whole Foods Market CEO John Mackey

McDonald's and Whole Foods have no environmental standards for the meat they sell, and in fact both buy meat from some  of the most polluting and environmentally destructive companies on Earth -- Cargill and Tyson.

Cargill and Tyson are largely responsible for the large-scale destruction of South America's rainforest and prairies, the pollution of the U.S. Midwest's water, and the creation of an enormous dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico.

It is possible to produce food at a large scale without this kind of destruction, but Tyson and Cargill have so far resisted taking responsibility for cleaning up their supply chain and are unconscionably continuing to expand their polluting and destructive practices.

Pressure from high profile customers like McDonald's and Whole Foods demanding cleaner meat can get Cargill and Tyson to change.

Sign this petition to demand that McDonald's and Whole Foods stop selling meat from Cargill and Tyson until they take concrete steps to end deforestation and pollution.

Dear Mr. Easterboork and Mr. Mackey, 

Despite readily available alternatives McDonald's and Whole Foods continue to sell their customers meat from some of the most destructive and polluting companies on Earth: Cargill and Tyson.

Cargill and Tyson are responsible for the large-scale destruction of South America's rainforest and prairies, the pollution of the U.S. Midwest's water, and the creation of an enormous dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico.

It is possible to produce food at a large scale without this kind of destruction, but, despite successful models, and major sustainability commitments from their competitors, Cargill and Tyson have unconscionably advanced the same practices of pollution and destruction.

Only pressure from their highest profile customers, like McDonald's and Whole Foods, will get unaccountable companies like Cargill and Tyson to change.

Your customers want and deserve better. Stop selling meat from Cargill and Tyson until they take concrete steps to end deforestation and pollution.

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