#Trumpgate: Censure Trump for Firing Comey and Burying Russia Investigation!

Donald Trump has fired FBI Director James Comey. While we can’t say we’re sad to see him go, we absolutely must not allow his termination to derail the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible ties to the Trump administration.

Firing people who are investigating you is something authoritarian dictators do. This cannot stand.

Our democracy is at stake. Please sign this petition to call on Congress to formally censure the President!

A censure is basically a formal statement of disapproval. It's a formal, public, group condemnation of an individual whose actions run counter to the group's acceptable standards for individual behavior. In the U.S. government, censure is done to publicly reprimand the President, a member of Congress, a judge or a cabinet member.

Only one U.S. president has ever been censured by the Senate.

Evidence showing the Trump campaign and top aides had ties to Russia has been mounting for months. Russia may have had a serious influence over the outcome of the 2016 election, and now the only official tasked with investigating this collusion has been fired.

Please sign this petition to demand Congress censure Trump now!
Update #17 years ago
The NYT is reporting that Trump once asked former FBI Director James Comey to shut down his bureau’s investigation into Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn. This is hugely problematic! We need an independent investigator now. Please share this petition!
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