Pinal County Animal Control has NO Veterinarian on site and extremely POOR illness control protocols. As a result, injured and sick animals languish without appropriate care. We DO NOT want these animals to be euthanized for no reason, but funds need to be raised to provide them with the services a "shelter" should have.
Currently there is a serious PARVO outbreak at Pinal and their general kennels are contaminated AS WELL AS THEIR QUARANTINE AREA!!!! Puppies exposed to this deadly and expensive to treat...if treatable....disease are being pushed out into the public. This is NOT FAIR to the animals or their loving adopters/
Pinal County is a large, mostly rural and extremely poverty stricken county in Central Arizona. It is considered a "high kill" facility, with major overcrowding due to poor people and migrant people not being able to keep their animals.
Funding: other than funds allocated by the Pinal County Board of Supervisors, there is NO means of raising money to help the pound. No thrift fund raising events sponsored by the employees of the pound...because is is not allowed by the Board!!
Much of the work (cleaning and such) is done by prisoners who, while caring, are not properly trained...and the pay levels for staff are LESS than what is paid to the civilian staff doing laundry for the nearby prisons.
Things are so unethical and off base at the Pinal pound that, although it is a LAW in Arizona that a Veterinarian needs to give or supervise Rabies vaccinations, there is no Veterinarian on site so potentially under-trained staff give these legally mandated inoculations!
THE ANIMALS ...and the people who care for their well-being...DESERVE BETTER!!!
Please sign and let the Pinal County Board of Supervisors know WE ARE WATCHING...and the ANIMALS NEED TO BE A PRIORITY.
Thank you.
Update #49 years ago
We are getting close to our 1000 signatures...and close to our date of delivering to Pinal county.
Many of you have shared...but please remind your friends to sign.
The dogs are Pinal need medical care and support. We know you love the animals, so please help us get them the upgraded care they require and deserve!
Update #39 years ago
Since starting this petition, Pinal County Animal Control has taken some small steps to keep young puppies from coming into contact with Parvo or other potentially fatal having staff members take the pups home. Pinal still needs appropriate medical staffing a few days a week. Help insure the health and safety of the animals already there and lessen the suffering of injured animals who arrive at their facility.
Update #29 years ago
Thank you all for signing...We are now 120 signatures away from our goal...and we might even be able to beat it!
Won't you ask your friends and colleagues, animal lovers, to sign on. The dogs and kitties at Pinal pound will really appreciate your support!
Update #19 years ago
In the past week we have received over 700 signatures, many internationally. And this is amazing! Thank you so much!
But we need signatures from animal-loving people in the US as well!
Let's get the attention of the Pinal County Board of Supervisors and make positive changes so that the animals can be safer and healthier and find homes!
Please share this and encourage your friends to take 30 seconds to sign and save lives! Thank you!