Petition to Pope Francis: Reverse Stance on Contraception

In his June 18th encyclical, Pope Francis asserts that we all have an ethical responsibility to care for the Earth, yet continues that "to blame population growth instead of extreme and selective consumerism on the part of some, is one way of refusing to face the issues."

How many more species must go extinct and by how many more billions must our numbers grow before population growth is accepted as a problem?

Add your name to Global Population Speak Out's petition and help us Speak Out today.

"Your Holiness, we applaud you for your concern about consumerism and your commitment to fighting climate change and caring for the poor, but we implore the Catholic Church to reconsider its opposition to the use of modern contraceptives.

Curbs on consumption alone will not save and restore Mother Earth; if we are, as you put it, to 'reverse the harm we have inflicted' on her, the Holy Catholic Church must reverse its stance on the use of contraceptives.  We must give every woman in the world the ability to determine the number and spacing of her pregnancies.  Join with us in preserving and protecting Mother Earth."



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