Unchain the parrot! Stop Amazon from selling and promoting animal abuse in the form of leg chains.

Parrots cannot safely be chained. Doing so anyway means risking seriously harming or even permanently handicapping your bird; a metal chain around a parrot's leg is always abusive.

Amazon is selling leg chains and recommending them as 'related products' to anyone shopping for parrot food and toys. This makes them directly responsible for the suffering of intelligent and sensitive animals, animals often kept in bad conditions out of ignorance instead of malice.

Unchain the parrot now! Together we can stop Amazon from promoting animal abuse.

On twitter as https://twitter.com/unchainparrots

Find this petition on change.org as well; https://www.change.org/p/unchain-the-parrot-stop-amazon-from-selling-and-promoting-animal-abuse

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