Ban the Sale of Non-Rescue/Shelter Pets in Kingston Ontario Pet Stores!

The people of Kingston need to come together to support this bylaw that will reduce the number of unwanted pets in our area as well as promote the humane treatment of animals!

The sale of pets in pet stores encourages the function of puppy mills (and kitten mills, rabbit mills, etc.) and thereby animal cruelty and neglect. It also promotes impulse buys without a thought for the long-term commitment required for responsible pet ownership.

Toronto in 2011, Richmond BC in 2010, Albuquerque in 2006, plus others. There is no reason Kingston couldn't be next! 
Albuquerque saw a shelter adoption increase of 23% and euthanasia decrease of 35% in 3 yrs. These stats speak for themselves! 

We have an opportunity to make a difference! The Kingston City Council members have been consulted and there IS support for this. Now it's up to you and the community!

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Dear Kingston City Council,

We, the undersigned, are asking that a by-law be passed in Kingston that prohibits the sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits in pet stores exempting those from registered shelters or rescues who are available for adoption.

The sale of pets in pet stores encourages the function of puppy mills (and kitten mills, rabbit mills, etc.) and thereby animal cruelty and neglect. It also promotes impulse buys without a thought for the long-term commitment required for responsible pet ownership.

Toronto in 2011, Richmond BC in 2010, Albuquerque in 2006, plus others. There is no reason Kingston couldn't be next. Albuquerque saw a shelter adoption increase of 23% and euthanasia decrease of 35% in 3 yrs. These stats speak for themselves and if Kingston wants to be a sustainable progressive city we need to take action.


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