Stop Scotland's Unnecessary Seal Cull

  • by: Marine Concern
  • recipient: Scotland's Government, Relevant Authorities & Supermarkets

800 seals have been reported shot in Scotland in the last two years, including seals with pups. The shooters provide the numbers; there are no independent checks. Seals are even shot in Seal Conservation Areas.


Seals are vital to tourism; the Common Seal has been included in Scottish Natural Heritage's; 'Scotland's Big 5' iconic animals. Nearly 80% of UK's seals are found in Scotland, there are not many Grey Seals in the World, and Scotland's Common Seals are in dramatic decline.


In general shooting is avoidable by positioning salmon installations away from known seal haul outs.  Anti-predator nets, better still closed containment systems should be first resort. Currently the industries 'first resort' is the bullet as the cheapest option!


Please take action now to tell the Government, its Agencies and Supermarkets; only produce and sell seal friendly salmon, and to stop shooting seals!

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