Demanding Investigation into SeaWorld & CEO Joel Manby

  • by: Michael Eddy
  • recipient: FBI & US Attorney General's Office

We are demanding a complete and thorough investigation of CEO Joel Manby and SeaWorld by the FBI & US Attorney General's Office. It is clearly obvious to millions of people around the World that their are blatant Animal abuse issues with their facilities and the staff employed by this company. Though the staff at these facilities are doing what is required by management, it is no doubt criminal and abusive behavior condoned by Joel Manby and SeaWorld Inc. One must look at the evidence as produced in the documentary Black Fish. To confine sentient beings in what is the equivalent of a fish bowl as compared to their natural habitat is abuse, obviously. The treatment of these animals for purposes of breeding and training for "shows" is appalling and thoroughly cruel, with no justification. SeaWorld does this completely for money. Sheer greed for profit. To allow their operations to continue in the US is a crime in itself. It is time to release these animals to sanctuaries for rehabilitation and those that can, be returned to their natural habitats. The FBI and US Attorney General's Office should investigate and file charges of Animal abuse and prosecute this company. The compassionate people of the World have spoken about these atrocities loudly. It is time to stand up, take notice and realize that the time is now for this to end. As a Class A or Tier 1 Felony, as stated by the FBI, Joel Manby and SeaWorld must be prosecuted. Set an example for the World as a whole. Do what is right and what is just.

We are demanding a complete and thorough investigation of CEO Joel Manby and SeaWorld by the FBI & US Attorney General's Office. It is clearly obvious to millions of people around the World that there are blatant Animal abuse issues with their facilities and the staff employed by this company. Though the staff at these facilities are doing what is required by management, it is no doubt criminal and abusive behavior condoned by Joel Manby and SeaWorld Inc. One must look at the evidence as produced in the documentary Black Fish. To confine sentient beings in what is the equivalent of a fish bowl as compared to their natural habitat is abuse, obviously. The treatment of these animals for purposes of breeding and training for "shows" is appalling and thoroughly cruel, with no justification. SeaWorld does this completely for money. Sheer greed for profit. To allow their operations to continue in the US is a crime in itself. It is time to release these animals to sanctuaries for rehabilitation and those that can, be returned to their natural habitats. The FBI and US Attorney General's Office should investigate and file charges of Animal abuse and prosecute this company. The compassionate people of the World have spoken about these atrocities loudly. It is time to stand up, take notice and realize that the time is now for this to end. As a Class A or Tier 1 Felony, as stated by the FBI, Joel Manby and SeaWorld must be prosecuted. Set an example for the World as a whole. Do what is right and what is just.

Update #38 years ago
42 signatures to go. Thank you!
Update #28 years ago
Presently at 2891 signatures. Very close to goal. Please Sign, if you have not already Share and Tweet. Thank you so much to all that have signed. This will be submitted at 3000.
Update #18 years ago
We are at 2789 in signatures. Let's share far and wide to get to our final goal of 3,000. Thank you all for your support!
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