They Starved This Horse So Badly, It Couldn't Move or Stand Up

A husband and wife in Alabama allegedly abandoned several of their horses to die last year after they moved away to a new home - leaving the animals behind to fend for themselves.

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Luckily, someone else stepped up to try and keep the horses alive by feeding them in their owners' absence. But it was barely enough to sustain them. Months after the couple had moved away, the helper messaged them to say the animals were all out of food, and to request help.

The husband said they'd come move the horses away, but that never happened. Instead, authorities eventually arrived to discover the animals half-dead, with at least one laying on the ground nearly incapable of moving.

Deputies reported that the horses had been so badly neglected and starved, their ribs and bones were severely protruding through their skin. One animal had fallen down and was so emaciated, it couldn't get back up - instead laying its head and neck deep in feces. The fences and ground around showed the horses had desperately tried to escape to seek food elsewhere, but had been unsuccessful.

Authorities removed the two horses, as well as a pony and goat, and have charged the couple with animal cruelty.

We must make sure these neglectful individuals are never allowed to own or live with animals ever again! Sign the petition!
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