Support the Day4Dyeversity Pledge! Educate Students On Underrepresentation and Stereotypes!

Educators, administrators, and community leaders, we invite you to sign the Day4Diversity Pledge Petition to support the Day4Diversity Pledge. By participating, History, English, AVID, and ETHS middle/high school teachers pledge to dedicate one of their class periods per year to hosting one of the seven speaker series events that educate students about the harms of stereotypes and underrepresentation in careers.

DyeversityInUs Speaker Series Events Include:

  • AAPI in Government
  • AAPI in STEM
  • Latinx in STEM
  • LBGTQ+ in Government
  • Native Americans in Government
  • Women in STEM
  • Women in Leadership
  • Disabilities in Government


  • Creates healthier campus climates in K-12 education by reducing stereotypes and discrimination in schools and building empathy within the community on equity issues.
  • Provides role models and resources for underprivileged youth.

Why DIU's Speaker Series Events are effective

DyeversityInUs Speaker Series Event Structure:
An in-person 45-minute and 1 hour 30 min speaker series event with a lesson plan about the harms of stereotypes and a section with speakers held in schools.

Why it works:
Lesson plan portion educates students who may be ignorant about dehumanizing language about stereotypes and discrimination.

Activity portion
Middle school activity brings out the creativity of students through a hands-on mural project to showcase diverse identities and dream careers.
High school activity is a one-on-one interview between students that encourages them to empathize with each other through an important conversation about identities.

Speakers portion allows speakers to share their experiences as minorities in underrepresented careers, which inspires students to be more open-minded towards other students and more minorities to break past stereotypes.

Q&A portion encourages the students to ask meaningful questions to the speakers.​

Thank you to College of San Mateo Ethnic Studies Professors, Rudy Ramirez and Seon Hye Moon for reviewing our materials for the pledge!

Check out our Speaker Series Event Slideshows + Lesson Plans here!
Teachers, sign the Day4Diversity Pledge to become a Diversity Power Teacher here!
Students, sign the petition here and become a DIU Chapter Leader here!

Instagram: @dyeversity_inus

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