Stop the NFL from Cruel Animal Experimentation

  • by: Diane Tegarden
  • recipient: The National Football League Foundation
  • Animals are being needlessly tortured to death in the name of science.
  • There are more effective ways to help athletes with spinal injuries.
  • Many athletes do not approve of cruelty to animals, even for medical research.

Dear Animal Advocates,

The National Football League Foundation funds painful and lethal experiments on dogs and other animals. The research is meant to mimic injuries that football players suffer but studies have shown that the animal research the NFL funds doesn’t accurately “replicate the complex injuries” football players experience.

These experiments that torture and kill animals have “never yielded an effective treatment or preventive measure.”

Medical experts discovered that people who suffered concussions have a higher level of tau protein in their brain. This was found out by scanning the brains of former NFL players, not from torturing dogs.

Please sign this petition to the National Football League Foundation, asking them to stop funding this cruel experimentation process, and invest in scientific research that doesn't involve torturing live animals to death.

Update #211 years ago
Howdy Animal Rights Advocates...the petition to end animal experimentation by the NFL Foundation is doing well, we're at 823 and going strong. More ways to help us reach our goal is for each of us to: post the petition on our Twitter page and FaceBook page, and to email our family and friends lists to ask them to sign it too.

If we could start a ripple effect, each of us could get more signatures, which WILL make a difference.

Have a glorious day!
Diane T. and furfamily
Update #111 years ago
Thank you for signing this important petition, I hope it will go viral and we can "watch" the NFL Foundation rescind this horrible practice. Please post the invitation to sign the petition on your websites and other social media groups...we're up to 709 signatures already!
Diane T. and furfamily
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