Animals Walk The Street In Spain

    You Need To Know What Happen But I Didn’t Live In Spain And I Live In USA When I Found Out From Facebook The Man Name Is Johan Ayuda Still Helping To All Animals And Feed Animals But Animals Still No Have Owner Home And No Food. Animals Dogs Desperate To Looking Food. Also, Johan Still Give Dogs For Food Everyday But He Can’t Rescue Because He Can’t Afford And No Easy. There Is No Vets Rescue Enough. Johan Works So Hard. Also, Dog Crash By Truck. Dog Dead. Other Man Pulled Dog To Leave On And Floor But Man No Take Dog To Rush Vets? My Gosh! No Right!! Man No Care About Dog Suffer. My Gosh!! Also, Johan Witness And He Waits For Man Truck Leave Before He Came To Check Dog And Dog Was Little Shaking Later Dead. Johan Tried To Help Dog But No Lucky. What Wrong With People Evil Throw Animals Innocent For Walk The Street. People So Cruelty. Johan So Amazing Work Hard And Amazing To Keep Helping Animals There. That’s Why I’m Here To Write This Tell You And Important U Sign To Spread Everyone Before I Will Copy A This Letter Petition Send Minister And He Will Agree To Humane Society International And Other Animal Rescue Spain 🇪🇸 Rescue All Animals To Fly To American And If Spain Some Few People Love Animals. If Spain People Love Dog Then Rescue Dogs. Animals Need Home And Food For Safe. Someday Someone Arrive In Spain For Vacation Then Someone Excite A Vacation Until Sees Dogs Walk The Street And Crash Ruin Someone A Vacation. How You Feel ? Now You Have To Understand That. If Spain People Sees Animals Then Change Good Heart Love Dogs And Rescue Animals. Please. If They Can’t? Then Ask Humane Society International And Animal Rescue Spain Will Help All Animals For Safe Without Walk The Street. Thank U For Johan Ayuda Keep To Help Dogs And Any Different Animals Until Vets Rescue All Animals. Please Sign This.
    Update #12 years ago
    I Beg U To Tell Everyone Spread To Sign A Lot Because 38 Sign No Enough. If You Love Dogs And You Want The Program Rescue Dogs Then Do It Sign And Tell Everyone Spread Now. 🙏🏻 Please 🥲
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