Help Stop Animal Testing!

  • by: Kat Head
  • recipient: Susan G. Komen AND Care2

Every 12 minutes, a woman in America succumbs to breast cancer, but the Susan G. Komen Foundation continues to waste funds on cruel, outdated, and unreliable animal tests as the clock ticks on cancer patients lives. 

Animal testing is cruel and barbaric. Not only does Susan G Komen fund this sort of testing, Care2 helps Komen fund these tests!

Pledge not to donate any money to Susan G Komen until they stop funding animal tests. This means not clicking on the Breast Cancer button in the click to donate.

What else can you do? Of course breast cancer needs to be cured, so donate to organizations like the following:

Find more by going to and searching for humane-approved breast cancer charities!

Do your part to end animal testing! Stop contributing to Susan G Komen today, and stop clicking for breast cancer on Care2! 

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