It is not natural for animals to live in wire cages their entire lives, have their tails removed with heated scissors or be killed by slamming their heads on the ground. Such practices do occur to many farm animals. These types of animals have very little legal protection from inhumane, cruel treatment.
Generally, anti-cruelty laws seem to exempt typical farming practices. Practices of the animal agriculture industry are not transparent and defined by legislature when it comes to the care of animals that are being raised for food. Practices and typical animal treatment would stun most people when it comes to animals in the animal agriculture industry.
A veterinarian who also decided to study animal law was appalled to learn how animals are typically treated in the farm industry while others turn a blind eye. He states that he has seen the intense confinement of animals, so tightly that they cannot even turn around or lay down, hens cannot even stretch or flap their wings, calves raised for veal are in solitary confinement for their short four to five months in tiny stalls without the ability to even turn around, and animals being killed and mutilated without being given anything for pain. They endure so much undue pain and suffering.
These inhumane practices continue in many of the farm facilities and seem to sneak under the law. The Animal Legal Defense Fund fights for more effective laws to protect farmed animals, and to enforce the few weak laws that do exist. We are asking, through the forces and voices of this petition to get increased funding to hire more inspectors that can find violations of animal abuse and cruelty, ensuring severe prosecution for offenders. Help these farm animals by requiring better laws and regulations that governs the health, safety and well-being of all animals, including those in the animal agriculture industry.
U. S. Government Legislators – It is imperative that your laws against inhumane treatment of animals and violations of animal cruelty includes those within the animal agriculture industry. We are asking you to please increase funding to hire more inspectors that can find violations of animal abuse and cruelty, ensuring severe prosecution for offenders. Protect those animals raised for food and ensure their lives on earth are happier and healthier. Do not allow animals in the farm industry to be treated in a cruel, inhumane manner. Save these farm animals from the secret life of abuse they all seem to endure and extend your laws and enforcement to protect them from undue animal cruelty, abuse and suffering.