No death sentence for Any animal with no prior violent history!

  • by: Amanda Sawyer
  • recipient: senators, Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand

On September 23rd 2016 my sister Desiree, our friend Katelyn and myself had to put down 2 family members, who just so happened to be in the form of a copper color mix terrier, and black and white blue nose pitbul and they were big babies.Hailey would have been 11 years old in January and Sampson about 3 and have never been violent towards any one or anything. My sister Desiree and I fought for Hailey in court after an incident occurred about a month ago with another woman, her dog and katelyns dog Sampson. Hailey our mix terrier was testified against in multiple contradictions stating that she was the aggressive one and then the other that she wasn't. The victim was to distraught that she couldn't even testify that she was aggressive towards her or her dog at all, so there are many reasons why this was a bad decision on the courts behalf to put Hailey and Sampson down, or "have them destroyed" as they so delicately put it! My goal here is to make sure that if in the future this happens to another family, of course we will take into consideration the trauma that the victim is going through and comply with anything necessary, but also we must keep in mind and take into consideration the other families potential suffering as well if their animal had no violent history. If this family is willing to do all things necessary to ensure the safety of others and make sure nothing that happened to bring them to that place will happen again then there should be a law against "destroying" their pet! No matter what the breed is!!!

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