Trump: Fire White Supremacists Bannon, Miller, and Gorka!

  • recipient: President Donald Trump
After much-deserved condemnation for his weak response to the hatred and violence witnessed in Charlottesville, Va., Donald Trump has finally denounced racism, the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups in certain terms.

It’s hard to take Trump seriously, however. It shouldn’t take two statements to clarify that you’re against white supremacy.

On top of that, Trump’s administration still contains several members who have openly supported white supremacist views. If Trump wants to prove he stands firmly against racism, he must remove racist members of his administration.

Please sign this petition demanding that Trump fire Chief Strategist Stephen Bannon, Deputy Assistant Sebastian Gorka, and Senior Advisor Stephen Miller now.

As the former executive chairman and editor of Breitbart News, Bannon has peddled racist, sexist, xenophobic and anti-Semitic views, proudly turning the media site into "the platform for the alt-right." Sebastian Gorka has known ties to antisemitic and racist groups in Hungary, while Stephen Miller’s racist, anti-immigration views have been well-documented in public writings.

There is no room for white supremacists in the White House. Please sign this petition demanding that Trump fire Bannon, Gorka, and Miller immediately.
Update #17 years ago
BREAKING: Steve Bannon is out! Please share this petition to keep the pressure on so Gorka and Miller will be removed too.
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