The Steam Railway known as the Outeniqua Choo Tjoe has always been a huge tourist attraction to the Garden Route of the Southern Cape of South Africa, with the line running between the towns of Knysna and George, a distance of some 70 kilometres. The scenery is outstanding with a long bridge spanning the Knysna Lagoon, through rolling countryside and the magnificent bridge over the Kaaimans River. Photographs of the steam train on this bridge have been published in most railway book Worldwide.

Unfortunately, some 5 years ago, parts of the line were washed away in a bad flood and Transnet, the owners of the railway have stated that they are not interested in openning the line or operating it. The CEO of Transnet has stated that he will only talk about handing the operation over to Private Enterprise should someone place R 150 million on the table first.

In Knysna, there is an organisation called "Friends of the Choo Tjoe" and they have tried, unsuccessfully, to contact the CEO to enter into dialog with them for private enterprise to take over the repairs and operation of the Steam Railway.

This railway is both an asset to the area for tourism as well as generating many jobs in the tourist industry.

Please sign the petition and let us get the Outeniqua Choo Tjoe back on the rails. 

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