Justice for Bulls in Spain: DESTROY the culture of the CORRIDA (french, spanish and english language

IMPORTANT::: GO TO THE WEBSITE!!!!!!!!! ans SIGN THE PETITION!!!!! you find on the bottom of the page. Just need to write down few informations.


Dear Mrs Duvelle,

I have read in the media the intention of the wealthy and powerful bullfighting lobby of presenting this cruel “fiesta” to be declared UNESCO’s World Intangible Cultural heritage. As declared in the last International Bullfighting Convention Contoromex in Tijuana, Mexico, last summer of 2010, cities as Arles, Nimes, Bezier etc. in France, Madrid, Murcia, Sevilla, and the Asociación Internacional de la Tauromaquia in Spain, as well as the Consejo Nacional Taurino in Mexico, among others, have expressed their intention to apply.

I am writing to you because I believe that before UNESCO can make an assessment it is only fair that you received with regards to this issue reliable information coming from both parties. On the one hand, you will certainly be receiving information from those who support bullfighting, a minority in our countries. But also, you should also receive information from those of us who definitely do not support the torture and killing of an animal for pure entertainment, much less its declaration as a world intangible cultural heritage.

In this respect, all of us signing here would like to express our firmest rejection to bullfighting being declared ICH for, according to article 2 of your own regulation:

1. It is not recognized as such by the majority of the citizens of the cities and countries where it takes place, as the recent ban in Catalonia, Spain, and the already existing ban in Canary Island prove. As prove all the polls made in this respect as the Gallup/IG Investiga one, which states that 67,2% of Spaniards have no interest or totally reject bullfighting. More information here: http://www.slideshare.net/MartaEstebanMiano/spain-and-bullfighting

2. Because it does not comply with the minimum human ethical standards, for it is not ethical to entertain ourselves with a show involving the suffering, the blood and the death of an animal, ignoring and teaching our children to ignore any brisk of empathy or compassion that my grow in the spectators’ hearts.

Likewise, I urge you to admit the International Antibullfighting Network to act as consultant NGO in this respect as article 8 states. We are aware that they have contacted you already in this respect. They count within our group on experts on Veterinary, Law, Sociology, Agronomical Engineering, Journalists, Political parties’ members, that can provide with exact and objective information. They count on my total support.
Finally, I would like to get to you the list of world leaders and celebrities who support our cause, among which I would like to mention the Dalai Lama or Nobel Prize Coetzee, among others.

Dear Mrs Duvelle, I turn to you as the chief of Intangible Cultural Heritage Section. I have read your words when you said: “Each expression of intangible heritage is precious to those that practise it, providing them the very essence of their belonging to their community”. However, bullfighting is for most of Spaniards, French, Portuguese and Latinoamericans, a practice that embarrasses them, that divides them and generates an increasing number of voices claiming for its end.

Please accept my highest considerations,
Name & Details.


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