Tell China to stopping importing protected lizards

Just recently the Thailand government had stop 1'800 lizards that were to be imported. As it is listed under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), that list lizard trade illegal thoughout everywhere. Even though the main target is the Asia-pacifice countries such as China.
   With lizards being illegal poach and trade to restauraunts such as the ones in China, for food.
    Now with your help of signing this, we can stop this terriable deed, and by telling the Chinese government to be more strict rules of protecting these endangered lizards. If they haven't already made a law to protect them, we must urge them to be the leader of protecting lizards before its too late.

We the undersignedf feel that there are loose laws/rulesof protecting lizards being smugged into the country. With thousands used for food, while hurting the ecosystems of many countries that has these exoctic lizards, turtles, snakes that are used for people's own gains.
    And if you step up and be the leader of pushing the ban of illegal imports of endangered reptilies,thoughtout the world. The country will improve its image of protecting wildlife, thoughout the world.  

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