Stop PetSmart Stores from Breed discriminating!!

  • by: Maria Young
  • recipient: Philip L. Francis, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, PetSmart, Inc.
PetSmart, the largest marketer of pet products in the USA is not allowing "Dogs in the 'bully breed' classification (e.g. Pit Bull Terriers, American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, American Bull Dogs or mixed breeds that have the appearance or characteristics of one of these breeds)" to attend their Doggie Day Camps. In some cases they have even banned English, French, and other types of dog with 'Bull' in the name. They offer no explanation in store or online and one really isn't needed: they are predjudiced towards these dogs based on sterotypes and myths. Yet, they'd gladly accept their owners' money for the 'bully breed' specific magazines, books, and accessories they sell! This ban applies to wolves and wolf-hybrids also.

*THIS IS NOT ABOUT GETTING PIT BULLS INTO PETSMART'S DOGGIE DAYCAMP PROGRAM: It's about disallowing PetSmart to reinforce unjust and unwarranted negative stereotypes that their unknowing consumers may believe. It's about having PetSmart not making the fight for Bully Breed rescuers and Breed Specific Legislation fighters any harder than it already is.

Currently, after pressure from the American Kennel Club (AKC) because of this very petition,  PetSmart has changed their policy of not allowing bully breeds into their PetsHotels. Let them know that until they take a step towards educating an ignorant public to the true nature of the dogs we know and love we will not be satisfied!

In addition to signing this petition, consider also taking a few more minutes to contact PetSmart directly by phone: 1-888-839-9638 or email:

Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have!
Not allowing 'bully breed' dogs in their doggie day camps is the in store equivalent of breed specific legislation. This is unacceptable from a company that portrays an image of being animal friendly. They will allow these same breeds to be adopted from in front of their stores, but they won't allow them to enroll in daycamp the next day. This is a true injustice. I ask that along with signing this petition, you make a pledge to yourself and your dog to find alternate places to buy your pets' supplies if at all possible.
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