Stop the import of leather goods made from dog leather from China to the EU

  • by: Christine Dobson
  • recipient: EU polItitions responsable for importation of leather goods from China

It is terrible to think the nice handbag coat purse or other possessions you own have been made from the skin of dogs.
Dogs that are held captive in cages until it it their time to be slaughtered.
Peoples should not be in a position to be able to decide the terrible fate of these animals.
Most things made of leather can and are made from other materials that don,t include the slaughter of helpless dogs.

Nobody needs to use leather anymore especially from animals that are treated badly and kept in appauling conditions.

Humans are the biggest abuser of this wonderful planet and the animals that have as much right to be here as us.

Update #310 years ago
Petition has 11 days left to run please get your friends and workmates to take a look .
They may just be shocked enough to sign.
These poor animals need all the help they can get.
Nothing can get done unless we keep pressing the people in power to act on our behalf.
Thanks to people who have already signed this important petition.
Update #210 years ago
Thanks all who signed.
Telling people to stop buying these goods.
Loss of sales could make suppliers act in a decent way.
Update #110 years ago
Petition has started up well thankyou all.
Remember the more things put up in public for the world to see the more chance of helping to right wrongs.
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