HELP protect an endangered forest from being destroyed to build a Wal mart in its place!!

"If you think the economy is more important than the environment, try holding your breath while counting your money." - Guy McPherson

What is the REAL importance of ANOTHER Wal Mart being added to this country?! MORE everything is what this country constantly demands. More until we can no longer achieve any more. That way of living is coming to a close. Whether we stop it or not, it will be stopped one day because of our reckless decisions and wasteful behavior. It will be stopped when the earth can no longer sustain humanity. We must stop with the solely consumer based economy. Consume, consume, consume, until everything's all gone! Is that really the smartest way to live? It's 2014, we should be beyond this. Don't let greed and money control the earth's fate. Are you really happy at the end of a long day out you spend shopping? If you were, would you really NEED to go out shopping for more frivolous products? 

Sign this petition, and say NO we will not stand for more unnecessary deforestation of irreplacable habitats. You may think that this may be unimportant now, but think of all of the other places where this is happening. This may be the only one you've heard about today but countless others are taking place every day. Every day until there are no more habitats to destroy. Until everything is destroyed for greed and consumption.

So help me in saying "NO!"

Listen to the voices that you do not want to hear for just a moment. The voices of the people who care about the environment. 

We want you to change your decision to destroy an endangered forest. Please reconsider. Although this seems too late, PLEASE reconsider. Consider that these species will never have the chance to thrive again. That this habitat is the last of its kind. That you will be doing the earth a great disservice and that people are already outraged, including myself, at your reckless decision.

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