Justice for 15 Dogs Killed at Macon Animal Shelter

  • by: Chris Wolverton
  • recipient: Macon-Bibb County Department of Animal Welfare

The Macon-Bibb County Department of Animal Welfare in Georgia has recently taken over Animal Control. In three days of running the shelter, the county euthanized 15 dogs under orders of Interim Animal Welfare Director Deborah Biggs. The case is currently under investigation by the county commissioner.

The dogs were euthanized after the shelter temporarily went over its state-mandated 80-dog limit. Animal rescue organizations stepped in to remove enough dogs to put the shelter under the state-mandated limit, but the euthanizations continued. With the possible exception of three aggressive dogs and one elderly, ill dog, all of the euthanized dogs were healthy and adoptable.

Please urge the Macon-Bibb County Department of Animal Welfare to create guidelines that will prevent a similar tragedy from happening in the future. There is no reason for healthy dogs to be killed, especially if a shelter is under its limit.

Dear Macon-Bibb County Department of Animal Welfare,

We, the undersigned, recently learned that The Macon-Bibb County Department of Animal Welfare in Georgia has taken over Animal Control, and has euthanized 15 dogs in three days of running the shelter. We are saddened by this unfortunate news, and concerned about the other animals under the county's care.

We realize that the dogs were euthanized after the shelter temporarily went over its state-mandated 80-dog limit, but animal rescue organizations stepped in to remove enough dogs to put the shelter under the state-mandated limit. In light of this, we believe that the decision to euthanize additional dogs was misguided. With the possible exception of three aggressive dogs and one elderly, ill dog, all of the euthanized dogs were healthy and adoptable.

We urge you to create guidelines that will prevent a similar tragedy from happening in the future. There is no reason for healthy dogs to be killed, especially when the shelter is under its limit. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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