Tell Canada Goose Jackets to Stop Skinning Coyotes!

  • by: Paige D
  • recipient: Dani Reiss, CEO & President of Canada Goose

Coyotes suffer for your Canada Goose jacket.

11-year-old Jasmine went to Canada Goose to try to convince them to no longer use coyote fur in their coats, however no one would meet with her.

Jasmine's mother explains why she is so passionate about this issue,

"Jasmine has seen wild animals being nursed back to health.  She understands the importance they play in nature, that they have families and homes.  She sees an animal capable of fear and suffering, an animal who wants to be free just like she does."

This is how we should all view coyotes.

Canada Goose Jackets need to stop trapping and skinning coyotes for their outerwear.

Not only does Canada Goose harm coyotes… Canada Goose jackets also claim to use down that comes as a byproduct of the dreadful poultry industry.

Coyotes are beautiful, kind, and playful creatures that do not deserve to be treated this way.

Coyotes do not deserve to suffer for their coats, just so that we can have one.  

Please sign to tell Dani Reiss, CEO & President of Canada Goose to immediately stop skinning coyotes for their jackets. 

Dear Ms. Riess,

I strongly urge you to stop trapping and skinning coyotes for your jackets.  These beautiful and kind animals do not deserve to suffer to make your coat. 

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Update #17 years ago
Canada Goose is celebrating 60 years of animal cruelty. Now, more than ever, we need to tell them the way they produce their products in unacceptable. Share the petition and help stop Canada Goose.
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