Alaska, for years, has had a predator control program where there is indiscriminate killing of some of the most iconic animals in Alaska. There is truly no scientific basis for this type of program. The state claims that by killing these predators (wolves, bears, etc.), the population of moose and caribou will increase so that they more easily can be killed for food and sport. The Alaska Board of Game is populated by hunters and outfitters and it's certainly in their best interest to have the predator control program in place. The Board just recently summarily rejected a no-kill zone for wolves in two relatively small areas adjacent to Denali National Park...this idea was brought up in 2010 and it took the board until now, meeting for only one hour, to reject it. This means you can bait, trap and kill any wolf crossing the line that represents park boundaries. Animals are hunted all over the state but the board felt that a small wolf protection zone for Denali's wolves was unnecessary. I live in Alaska 8 months of the year, am in Denali National Park all the time and have seen a wolf only once, and that was years ago.
There are many more people who come to Alaska looking for the opportunities to see wildlife than there are who come to hunt; the tourists who seek wildlife sightings bring in a significant amount of income to the state. I'm hoping that if enough people are willing to boycott coming to the state, that will hurt their pocketbook enough that they might reconsider the predator control program as well as the wolf buffer zone.
We need to be more sensitive to the needs of animals and those interested in viewing wildlife; we need to exert pressure in the only area that might produce results...the financial arena. Please sign this petition and help the animals of Alaska.