The 2008 Boycott Fox News Campaign

By taking action to Boycott Fox News and their Advertisers, you are taking an important stand in restoring journalistic integrity to Fox News.  In fact, you will be in the good company of concerned individuals who believe that Fox News should be "fair and balanced" instead of "biased and manipulative."

A great many Americans feel that Fox News has engaged in the intentional deception and manipulation of information in order to influence the actions and behaviors of their viewers.  One example is Liz Trotta's gaffe that suggested Sen. Obama should be "knock[ed] off."  A second is when one their reporters suggested that Sen. Obama's "Fist Bump" was some type of terrorist body language.  In the second example, the reporter is the only one to mention terrorist; the guest speaker does not make this association.  These assertions and statements are unfounded and unacceptable.

So, take action and join the boycott!

Your Commitment:
  1. Sign the 2008 Boycott Fox New Campaign
  2. Avoid purchasing products or services from Fox News Advertisers
Optional Steps:
  1. Write Fox News to inform them of your intentions
  2. Write four (4) different Fox News Advertisers to inform them of your intentions
FOX News

1-888-369-4762 (Press # 4 to leave complaint)
1211 Avenue of the Americas, NY, NY 10036
Or e-mail your comments to

Partial List of Fox News Sponsors

Bayer Corporation
Corporate Communications
100 Bayer Road, Building 4
Pittsburgh, PA 15205
phone: 412 777-2000

Busch Gardens
Post Office Box 9158
Tampa, FL 33674
Phone:888 800-5447

Circuit City
9950 Mayland Drive
Richmond, VA 23233
Phone: 804 486-4000

LazBoy Furniture
1284 North Telegraph Road
Monroe, MI 48162
Phone: 734 456-2005

Marriott Hotels
10400 Fernwood Road
Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: 301 380-3000

1300 Walt Whitman Road
Melville, NY 11747-3064, U.S.A.
Phone: 631 547-4200

1441 SW 29th Ave
Pompano Beach, FL. 33069
Phone: 800 738-6337

Pfizer (Viagra)
235 East 42nd Street
NY, NY 10017
Phone: 212 733-2323

Proctor & Gamble (Head & Shoulders)
The Procter & Gamble Company
P.O. Box 599
Cincinnati, OH 45201-0599
Phone: 513 983-1100

Ramada Hotels
1910 8th Avenue, N.E.
P.O. Box 4090
Aberdeen, SD 57402

Miralus (RenewIn)
2710 Thomes Avenue, Suite 700
Cheyenne, WY 82001
Phone: 877 373-3436

Sandals Resorts
Unique Vacations, Inc.
4950 SW 72nd Avenue,
Miami, Florida 33155
In North America, call toll free:
Phone: 888 SAN-DALS

Sanofi-Aventis (AmbienCR)
55 Corporate Drive
Bridgewater, NJ 08807-5925
Phone: 908 981 5000

Smart Balance
115 W. Century Rd Suite 260
Paramus, NJ 07652
Phone: 201 568-9300

1713 Jaggie Fox Way
Lexington, KY 40511
Phone: 859 514-4757

Post Office Box 2000
Chester, PA 19022

Johnson and Johnson Healthcare Products (Visine)
P.O. Box 726
Langhorne, PA 19047-0726
Phone: 800 494-4855

Dear Fox News,

We urge you to return to the standards of journalistic integrity and stop your campaigns of intentional manipulations and biased reporting.  Your recent segments where Ms. Liz Trotta suggested that Sen. Obama be "knock[ed] off" and the segment with Ms. Hill suggested that Sen. Obama's "fist bump" was a terrorist gesture is unacceptable.

We believe that your news organization can play a major journalistic role in the American landscape.   However, this role will require that you change your policies and live up to your tag line of "fair and balanced."

Thank you.
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