Please sign this petition to have city council reinstate the code enforcement department in our city. Antioch has been without a code enforcement department for two years now, and the results have been devastating to our community. Lack of code enforcement not only contributes to blight, squatters and lowered property values, it also contributes to crime. (See: the
Broken Window Theory.) In short, code enforcement is necessary not only to improve the quality of life for all Antioch residents, it is also a very effective tool in reducing crime and raising property values. Higher property values also means higher property taxes, which will in turn result in more city services. Property taxes are, by far, the biggest income source for the city.
Let's work on getting 10% of our city's population to sign this petition to bring code enforcement back to Antioch. Please tell every Antioch resident you know about this petition. This is truly a vital public service that our community can no longer afford to be without.
We the undersigned, as residents of Antioch, California, urge the city council and the mayor of Antioch to restore the code enforcement department immediately. Code enforcement reduces blight and crime, and will raise property values, which will in turn result in higher property taxes. Code enforcement is a vital service that our community can no longer afford to be without.