Take Malnourished, Beaten Romanian Animals Off the Street!

  • by: APAM
  • recipient: Romanian laws

Website: http://www.apam.ro
     Nina is a very thin dog whose stomach is adhered to her spine from the hunger she's endured. She has been condemned to die in the woods, and is currently running desperately on a road separating a wood in two. Probably, she's waiting for the one who abandoned her there, refusing to believe that they actually condemned her to death and will never come back for her. Nina is a poor desperate soul waiting for her executioner, and if her owner would appear, she would run up to them wagging her tail, without any resentment. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmiJmJ66uxQ

     Porto is another shocking case. Thrown into the street with an advanced state of rachitis and with half of his tail necrotic, Porto was abandoned to die alone and in pain. You can read more about his life story here: http://www.apam.ro/?x=noutati&id_nou=652

    In Romania, it's common to see puppies in a carton box, near a garbage container, one step away from all possible dangers!  http://www.apam.ro/?x=noutati&id_nou=956

     These are only a few of the animals we care for. You can read more and see photos and video at: http://www.apam.ro/ Most of the stories have happy endings thanks to the people who support our work, but there are still so many animals out there who need help. There are also still so many animals in our shelter who need veterinary care, food, and permanent shelter. Old dogs, blind dogs, dogs with epilepsy, dogs with two legs, three legs ... they all deserve a chance in this life and APAM is giving them this chance. 

   Would you sign our petition for a better life for stray Romanian animals?

Thanks, the APAM team

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