Stop Anti-Indigenous Violence and Support Land Rights in Bahia

For three decades the Pataxo Ha-Ha-Hae have been peacefully petitioning for the return of reservation lands under constant physical threat by powerful non-indigenous landholders.  The Brazilian National Indian Foundation (Funai) has also petitioned for the return of these lands that were officially demarcated in 1938.  While the Supreme Federal Tribunal recognizes the Pataxo Ha-Ha-Hae's claim to the land, they have so far failed to enact legislation that will actually protect their land rights.


Meanwhile, 30 indigenous leaders have been assassinated.


Tell the Supreme Federal Tribunal that they need to take action to end the violence and protect indigenous land rights.

To Your Excellencies the Ministers of the Supreme Federal Tribunal,


The plight of the Pataxó Hã-Hã-Hãe attracted national and international attention when, at dawn on April 20, 1997, the Indian Galdino Jesus dos Santos, who was sleeping at a bus stop in downtown Brasília, was burnt alive by five young middle-class Brazilians. Galdino sought support for the reclamation of his traditional territory, the Indigenous Land Caramuru – Catarina Paraguassú in Southern Bahia. Galdino is one of the thirty Pataxó Hã-Hã-Hãe that have been killed in the struggle for repossession of their land.


On February 28th, the ACO 312 case is scheduled to continue, in which the Brazilian National Indian Foundation (Funai) has petitioned for the anullment of the property titles of Indigenous Land, demarcated in 1938, currently in the possession of non-indigenous parties. Most of these titles were granted by the State of Bahia during the administration of Antonio Carlos Magalhães, in the 1970s.


As a matter of Justice, we request your special attention to the implementation of the rights of the Pataxó Hã-Hã-Hãe, ensuring the integrity of their traditional lands and putting an end to the unfortunate history of violence and massacres that this people has been suffering since the first contacts with the non-indigenous society.








Excellentíssima Senhora Ministra,

Excellentíssimo Senhor Ministro,



O drama do povo Pataxó Hã-Hã-Hãe ganhou repercussão nacional e internacional quando, na madrugada do dia 20 de abril de 1997, o índio Galdino Jesus dos Santos, que dormia num ponto de ônibus no centro de Brasília, teve seu corpo incendiado por cinco jovens da classe-média brasiliense. Galdino buscava em Brasília apoio para as reivindicações de recuperação do seu território tradicional, a Terra Indígena Caramuru – Catarina Paraguassú, no sul da Bahia. Galdino é um dos trinta Pataxó Hã-Hã-Hãe assassinados na luta pela retomada de suas terras.

No próximo dia 28 está marcada a continuidade do julgamento da ACO 312, ação na qual a Funai pede a nulidade dos títulos de propriedade de não-índios sobrepostos à Terra Indígena, demarcada em1938. A maioria desses títulos foi concedida pelo estado da Bahia durante a gestão de Antonio Carlos Magalhães, nos anos 70.


Por uma questão de Justiça solicito vossa especial atenção para a efetivação dos direitos do povo Pataxó Hã-Hã-Hãe, garantindo a integridade de suas terras tradicionais e pondo termo ao lamentável histórico de violências e massacres que este povo vem sofrendo desde os primeiros contatos com a sociedade não-indígena.




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