Concerned conservation people in Inishowen are requesting you to sign this petition calling on National Parks and Wildlife Service who have responsibility for Wildlife conservation to carry out a review of the management agreement and set up a Liaison committee to have an imput into future management of Inch Lake ,Co.Donegal. Inch Lake is first landfall for internationally important numbers of Whooper Swans,Greylag Geese, from Iceland, White front Geese from Greenland. These are joined by many species of Duck and Waders etc.which arrive annually to winter in Irelands temperate climate. The lake is designated as a area Special Protection Area, Special Area of Conservation, under E,U, Directives,. National Heritage Area under Irish Government legislation. The review should investigate concerns that shooting and other activities are causing disturbance to above Wildfowl and causing them to desert area. Liaison Committee to consist of representatives of stakeholders i.e. Conservation bodies,Walkers,Hunting, Agriculture, and other users to achieve balance in best long term interest of Wildlife. We urge you to support this PETITION to protect Wildlife in this most important Wildfowl site in North West of Ireland.