Send Tony Home! Save Hand-Raised tiger.

  • by: Karen A. Chustz
  • recipient:,,

SIGN TO SEND TONY HOME!  Tony, a tiger raised from infancy by hand, is the target of a misguided attempt by Michael Sandlin (owner). TONY has known no other life, and receives rotten food, and little medical attention. A petition to move TONY to a HUMANE Tiger Sanctuary by Sky Williamson is also on TONY is at Tiger Truck Stop all by himself, breathing gasoline fumes and listening to all the traffic on the interstate behind him. Tony deserves a quality life and for once in his lifetime, happiness. He is an ENDANGERED animal, The condition in which Tony being kept is ABUSIVE. He is DEPENDENT ON PEOPLE THAT DO NOT TRULY CARE about him. For twenty years they have treated tigers poorly and with no regard for the fact that they are magnificent creatures worthy of compassion, dignity and respect. Please sign to save Tony from being forced to stay in a prison at the Tiger Truck Stop in Grosse Tete, Louisiana.  Read more at



December 25, 2008

Dear Ms. Davidson -

On this Christmas Day, we the undersigned have hope that Tony's fate will soon be decided and he will be moved to a natural habitat where he can live the remainder of his life in a setting more conducive to that a big cat.

We are reminded today, that by Nature and God's law, tigers are intended  to roam many miles a day in a natural setting filled with other tigers, rivers, streams, trees, birds, giraffe. Although that day will never be for this tiger who has been captive since birth, we can only have hope that he will be allowed a more natural habitat at a sanctuary for those like him.

The petition was started on Christmas Day as Christmas Day wish for compassion, dignity and respect for Tony's future. We implore you take this opportunity to read the heartfelt comments of those who have signed this petition in support of moving Tony to a home better suited for a tiger.
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