End Canadian Seal Hunt!
Last year, 270,000 seals were butchered, and this year the kill quota has been set to 275,000 seals. That's 5000 more than last year. For what? Money. That's all it comes down to. The Canadian government thinks they're making a profit, but they don't realize that more people are outraged at this kind of behavior than people wanting to buy fur. They truly don't realize that they are going to lose the world's trust and loyalty due to inhumane stupidity.
The techique used for the slaughter of seals in Canada is clubbing and hakapiking. This means that hunters beat and stab these creatures to death. And sometimes not even to death. There have been reports of live seals on the boats being clubbed even more because they weren't dead yet. This means that no matter what the studies have shown, this is NOT a painless, quick process.
Seals used to thrive on the Canadian ice. They use to flourish to the point where all you could see were seals. Since 2003, over 1.5 million seals have been butchered...and once again, it all comes down to the money. The Canadian government doesn't realize that they are beginning to throw their money away due to angered protesters. The numbers are growing, in slaughters and protesters. So let's do something about it. Now. Please take the time to sign this petition. Thank you.
We the undersigned are asking you to please consider the Canadian Seal Hunt. The studies are wrong. These animals are NOT being humanely killed. They are being beaten, clubbed, and stabbed. I agree that the fur from these animals is exquisite, and a great way to make a profit. But you don't realize that you are stirring up more protesters than buyers.
A lot of people don't want to buy fur from an animal that has been beaten to death; I know I don't. Instead of seal fur, think about some other resources you can use for a profit. This is North America, the New World. The land of opportunity.
These animals are in danger, and so is the future of Canada.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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