In the wake of documented proof of recruiters threatening high school students and forcing them into the military, we believe that the citizens of the United States must take action. Not Even One young person can be deceived by our government and forced into the military.
Dear Members of Congress,

We, the undersigned urge all members of U.S. Congress and its investigative arm, the Government Accountability Office to investigate Military Recruitment tactics that involve deception, threat and coercion to recruit young men and women into the Military.  We also ask for specific changes in legislation and a public hearing on this issue. We especially urge members of the Armed Services Committee to take a lead role in this investigation, hearing and legislation.

Since 2005 allegations of abuse and recruiter improprieties have increased among all branches of the military. The GAO released a study in 2006 titled Military Recruiting: Department of Defense and Branch Services Need Better Data to Enhance Visibility over Recruitment Irregularities which had the following findings:


"DOD and the services have limited visibility to determine the extent to which recruiter irregularities are occurring. DOD, for example, has not established an oversight framework that includes guidance requiring the services to maintain and report data on recruiter irregularities and criteria for characterizing irregularities and establishing common terminology. The absence of guidance and criteria makes it difficult to compare and analyze data across services and limits the ability to determine when corrective action is needed."


The Department of Defense and military branches have repeatedly ignored recommendations from the Government Accountability Office and no substantial action has been taken by Congress.


Since 2005 allegations of recruiter abuse has risen  and there have been well documented stories throughout the country where recruiters have threatened, coerced and forced young men and women to join the military.


We specifically request:

That Congress write legislation that forces the Department of Defense and Military branches to develop a transparent system for documenting and reporting recruiter abuse.

That Congress order a review and rewrite of the Delayed Enlistment Program Contract so that it very clearly states that the contract is non-binding. The contract should also fully list all options and rights afforded to the enlistee.

That  Congress hold a public hearing where students who were threatened can testify as to their experience, as well as Veterans and Active Duty Soldiers who joined under duress.

That Congress revise The No Child Left Behind Act to remove the provision that permits recruiters unfettered access to high school students. School districts should not be threatened with loss of funding if they refuse recruiters access.


It is unacceptable for any branch of government to lie to its citizens, it is especially troublesome when the government is lying to and threatening teenagers some of which are underage and rely on the government to protect their rights.

Department of Defense the U.S. Military has shown that they are not able to regulate their own behavior and at times encourage certain forms of recruiter abuse. We specifically reference the following news stories that have emerged over the past few years and believe that they are only the tip of the iceberg:

 On July 28, 2008 CBS Evening News and KHOU-11(CBS, Houston) aired two stories that can be viewed here: CBS Evening News- Recruiter Caught On Tape and here: Army Recruiters Do It Again- KHOU 11 about Army recruiters using threats, deception and fear in an attempt to force the young men into enlisting in the Amry even though they were under no obligation to join the Army.

An Associated Press 2006 study documented widespread sexual abuse of teenage recruits by recruiters, see here: AP Study Finds Widespread Sexual Abuse By Recruiters 

In 2005, an Army Recruiter caught on tape threatening high school students caused a National Stand Down of Army Recruitment Offices and promised that they would punish the recruiter. CBS News learned later that the Army Recruiter was promoted to supervisor of his own recruitment station. This shows the Army encourages and rewards such behavior. See here,Hardball Recruiter Gets Promoted

We request a specific investigation into whether or not recruiters are trained or instructed to use the tactics used by both Corp. Diaz and Sgt. Marquette because there are documented stories across the country of recruiters using almost identical tactics.

Therefore, we believe that it is the ultimate responsibility of Congress to take action to protect more citizens from being deceived, threatened and forced into the military.


The Undersigned

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