500 pigs starved to Death- Those involved need to be prosecuted

  • by: George
  • recipient: Those that agree that animals should not be starved to death and abused,
Here are the details of this Horrific Event.

On Monday, June 21, 2010  it was discovered that over 500 Pigs had been starved to death on a farm in the community of Notre Dame de Lourdes, 100 kilometres southwest of Winnipeg.

Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/manitoba/story/2010/06/21/man-hogs-neglect-southern-farm.html?ref=rss&loomia_si=t0:a16:g2:r1:c0.138895:b35154050#ixzz0s1B3btMF

We want the authorities involved to ensure they prosecute the people involved to the fullest extent of the law.

The Manitoba Animal Care Act was violated and I am sure many other laws as well.

We ask the RCMP , The Justice Minister of Manitoba Mr. Andrew Swan  and the Chief Vet Dr. Wayne Lees  ensure that our laws are enforced once broken.

Especially with such a horrific event that has taken place with the starving of 500 Pigs with feed bays full.

Also a  suspicious fire took place the day after the event burning the pig farm in question to the ground .

Here is an overview of the event that took place.


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Remember 500 Pigs were starved to death with feed bays fulls.

This petition will be going to the Justice Minister of Manitoba Mr. Andrew Swan , the Chief Vet Dr. Wayne Lees and Media.

Thanks for caring and sharing.
We the undersigned are asking others to take action by signing this petition to make sure that those involved will be prosecuted under the Animal Care Act and any other laws that have been broken.

The following petition will be going  to the Justice Minister of Manitoba Mr. Andrew Swan , the Chief Vet Dr. Wayne Lees and Media.

Thank you for taking the time to make a difference.
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