Prevent Bird Deaths from Building Collisions

Building collisions kill more than one billion birds each year, and many of these needless deaths can be prevented.

This Bird-Safe Buildings Act is a common-sense solution to help birds avoid collisions with buildings by promoting bird-friendly materials and design features at federal buildings.

Please urge your U.S. Representative to cosponsor and support the Bird-Safe Buildings Act. 

Dear Representative [Names will automatically be added]:

I am writing to urge you to support the Bird-Safe Buildings Act (H.R. 3781), which promotes bird-friendly design features at federal buildings.

North America's bird population has declined by 3 billion birds in the last 50 years, and we must do more to bring birds back. This bill is a great step toward implementing the changes needed to save the hundreds of millions of birds killed yearly in the U.S. after colliding with buildings, by ensuring that the federal government leads by example.

This cost-neutral legislation works hand in hand with state and local efforts to address building collisions, including "lights-out" programs in our cities during spring and fall migration to help birds safely navigate our night skies, and guidelines that promote bird-safe construction in the private sector.

With threats to bird populations increasing, now is the time to do everything we can to minimize hazards facing birds. The Bird-Safe Buildings Act is an important step in that direction, and I urge you to cosponsor and support this legislation.

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[Your name here]

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