Demand a Change to the Dangerous Dogs Act Now!

Recently I watched a short film "Death Row Dogs." The film enraged me, and unsettled me because it made me realise the flaws of the "Dangerous Dogs Act." The documentary showed me how the "Dangerous Dog Act" causes the deaths of hundreds of innocent dogs.  

Due to the legislation, when a dog owner has committed an offence his dog will be ordered to be killed instead of being re-homed. How is it acceptable in anyway for a dog - that has never injured/attacked a person, doesn't display any threatening or aggressive behaviours and is a social dog - to be killed for it's owner's crime? Because of the "Dangerous Dogs Act," dogs must suffer for their owner's actions. Why is that acceptable?

According to the act, a "dangerous" dog has been cleared of all the dangerous qualities and is shown to be no danger to anyone in anyway shape or form, still cannot be re-homed if the original owner is not suited to have the dog back. The act needs to be revised, because dogs should not be put down for no reason!

If you aren't convinced that this act needs to change, please watch "Death Row Dogs", where you will see Tyson an absolutely stunning and loving 3 month old pitbull killed because the law stated that he could not be placed with a new owner.

Sign this petition to have the Dangerous Dog Act revised, so that dogs are not killed for their owners' incompetence. Thank you so much for your time.
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