Stop NMFS from Implementing the Red Snapper Interim Rule

The NMFS has posted the DEIS that will be used in finalizing the interim rule for red snapper for the 2007 fishing year. Bulleted below are their preferred alternatives in the DEIS. You can visit this web site and read the whole document click on Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper. Comments must be received by November 27, 2006.  

NMFS Preferred Alternatives
·         6 MP TAC (commercial 3.06 MP, recreational 2.94 MP)
·         2 fish recreational bag limit
·         Recreational 15 inch size limit
·         May 15-Sept.15 season (124 days)
·         No Captain and crew bag limit
·         Reduce commercial minimum size limit to 13 inches
·         Require the use of non-stainless steel circle hooks when using natural baits in the harvest of red  snapper from the EEZ, and require the use of venting tools and dehooking devices when harvesting red snapper from the EEZ
·         Establish a target reduction of shrimp trawl bycatch mortality on red snapper 50 percent less than the benchmark years of 2001-2003. However, they did not choose a preferred alternative to guarantee how they would assure the reduction.
·         Establish a framework procedure to adjust the effort target and closed season for the shrimp fishery in the Western Gulf 

This absolutely cannot be acceptable to the recreational sector. We are losing two and one half months of our six month season and our bag limit is cut in half!

Act now to protect your right to fish! Sign this petition.

Dear Secretary,


I fully support the decisions of the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council and their ability to carry out the duties of their positions in regard to the management of the red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico. I strongly oppose the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) interference in attempting to implement an interim rule. 


The red snapper commercial fishery is overcapitalized. I also support the voluntary buyout of class 1 and 2 red snapper license holders and recreational charter boats that desire or need to sale to recreational anglers with the commercial quota purchased transferring to the recreational sector.


The recreational sector is valued at over $8 Billion annually compared to a $10 million value associated with the red snapper commercial fishery. The net economic benefit to the nation and the Gulf of Mexico should be considered when making allocation decisions.



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