Stand Up for Kids, Not the Chemical Industry!

Bisphenol A (BPA) has been linked to problems with the brain, prostate, hormonal and reproductive systems, as well as an increased risk of insulin resistance and even cancer.

Yet this chemical has been found everywhere from the linings of cans to baby bottles, where it can leach into the food and drink inside -- and into children's bodies.

An important amendment may be offered to the pending food safety bill that would make sure this harmful chemical is kept OUT of our children's food and drink products. But the giant chemical and infant-formula industries are lobbying hard against a ban on BPA in baby bottles, sippy cups and infant formula packages.

There are bottles and packaging that don't contain this chemical -- so there's no need to put kids at unnecessary risk. Tell your Senators to pass the food-safety bill and support the ban on BPA in kids' products.
Dear [Decision Maker],

It is essential that the Senate take up and pass S. 510, the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, to help protect our food supply from contamination, and bring food safety into the 21st Century. The latest recall of over half a billion eggs should be proof enough that our food safety system is badly broken.

[Your personal comments will be inserted here.]

But while you are working to protect us from contaminated eggs, peanuts, greens and other hazardous foods, I urge you not to forget the littlest consumers -- babies and children. Senator Dianne Feinstein plans to offer an amendment that would ban the chemical Bisphenol A (BPA) -- an endocrine disrupter -- from baby bottles, sippy cups, baby food, and infant formula, and I urge you to support this important public-health amendment.

BPA is a chemical found in the linings of cans and in polycarbonate plastic, including some sports bottles, food-storage containers and baby bottles. This chemical leaches from the packaging and into the food and drink inside.

It has been linked to a wide range of health problems. Numerous studies have shown BPA effects on the brain, prostate, hormonal and reproductive systems, and it has been linked to an increased risk of insulin resistance and even cancer.

The health impact is even more pronounced on babies and children. Seven states and several cities have already taken action to ban BPA from food and beverage containers used by children and babies, as have three nations, including Canada. And there is no reason to put our children at risk, since packaging exists on the market today without this chemical.
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