Support the Global Warming Wildlife Survival Act
It's hard to believe that animals that have adapted to living in frigid arctic temperatures would be helpless at the hands of something as common as the everyday pollution that comes out of cars and power plants. But the global warming pollutants generated by the burning of fossil fuels have driven arctic wildlife to the edge of extinction.
The Global Warming Wildlife Survival Act directs the federal government, in consultation with states and other organizations, to anticipate and prepare for the drastic effects that global warming is likely to have on animals, plants and their habitats.
The bill dedicates the country's best scientific minds to identifying species and habitats likely to be harmed by global warming, and calls for a coordinated national strategy to address those threats. This bill complements efforts now underway in Congress to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which is essential to combating and ultimately halting global warming and the threat it poses to wildlife.
Sign the petition today to ask your Senator to support the Global Warming Wildlife Survival Act!
Dear Senator,
I urge you to support The Global Warming Wildlife Survival Act, S.2204. Global warming is a leading cause of species extinction: hundreds of plants and animals, from grizzly bears to coral reefs, are already declining due to global warming, and the United Nation's International Panel on Climate Change report estimates that between 20 and 30 percent of animal and plant species face a risk of extinction if global warming continues unabated.
Protecting wildlife habitat helps combat global warming. By keeping our wetlands and forests intact, we help clean carbon pollution from the air and stop the worst impacts of global warming.
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