The city of Marshall, MN. has continuously invited circuses into their city limits that have long histories of animal neglect and violations of the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA). Almost all of the citations that these circuses receive are cases of sheer abuse and neglect which could have been prevented if the proper measures were taken
-it is because of this that we ask for the adoption of a city-wide ordinance that will ban the use of wild and exotic animals for entertainment purposes within city limits.
Such an ordinance will not only prevent animals from being abused and exploited for entertainment, but it will also take a stand against exotic animal poaching and trade. A circus that recently visited Marshall obtained their two elephants from their native habitat. These elephants now live a subservient life performing unnatural acts that pose a risk both to the elephants themselves, but they also endanger the trainers, audiences, and communities that host the circuses.
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We, the undersigned, were disappointed to learn that the city of Marshall, Minnesota had allowed a circus that is notorious for violations of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) to perform within city limits.
Circus Pages had recently performed at the Nat'l Guard Armory. Despite their commitment that "[their] animals receive the best care around from our international circus trainers!" their record with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) says differently. In the past 17 years the circus has been cited 15 times for violations of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) which includes: failure to provide injured animals with proper veterinary care, failure to provide adequate space for the animals, failure to properly document veterinary care and animal possession, and violating the AWA by declawing two young tigers -a painful act that is prohibited for medical reasons. Circus Pages has also been cited for not providing adequate shelter or barriers and perimeter fences around dangerous animals.
These violations show a wanton negligence towards the safety of their employees, audience and the communities that they are allowed into, lest we forget the history of the "mad elephant rampage of 1916" in Elkton, S. Dak. The Circus Pages is proud about their alleged "boasting of elephants, rare white tigers and white lions, dogs, liberty ponies, horses and camels" -despite this claim, their true intentions are very clear when we look at their history with animals.
According to documentation, both of their elephants were captured in the wild in 1974. If this company truly cared about boasting their rare animals and if they were true advocates for the animals, they would not take them from their natural habitats and force them into a subservient life where they are confined to small spaces and not allowed the natural freedoms they so rightfully deserve.
The Circus Pages is just one of the circuses that has been invited into our town with the past few years. Last year the George Carden Circus came to town. Their commitment to animals is even more deplorable than the Circus Pages'. It is time for the city of Marshall, MN to realize that the exploitation of animals for entertainment is inhumane and wrong.
It is because of the above reasons that we request that the city of Marshall, MN. adopts an ordinance banning the use of wild and exotic animals for entertainment purposes within city limits.
We feel that this request is highly reasonable, as the total amount of communities passing bans such as this are on the rise. Passing an ordinance such as this will not only help save animals from being abused, but it will also show that the city of Marshall is committed to taking a stand against animal neglect and abuse.
We thank you very much for your time!