S.O.L.A.R.--Solar Opportunity and Local Access Rights

  • by: David Miller
  • recipient:  Robert Menendez, U.S. Senator, U.S. Senate
Current net metering and Solar Energy System laws are not supportive in all states. Varied laws regarding the installation and use of Solar Power by homeowners make it difficult, as well as expensive, to help reduce our need for foreign oil. Reduce carbon output and help combat global warming.
Please show your support for uniform, across the board, nationwide net metering laws. Every American has the right to own a solar energy system, this bill will empower more Americans to make the switch to clean, renewable Solar energy.
H.O.A. (Home Owner Associations) will no longer have the ability to restrict homes from having Solar panels on their roofs. This will end all restrictive covenants.

Thank you for signing this very important petition, please use the link above to email this petition link to friends and family.

Thank you,
D. Miller

p.s. With the threat of a certain veto, Congress removed the Solar Tax credits and more from the Renewable Energy portion of the recent Energy bill. The reason, Mr Bush stated that if the $15B in tax breaks for the top 5 oil companies was removed to fund Renewable Energy, then he would veto it. Thanks GWB!

Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), and Reps. Dennis Cardoza (D-CA) and Michael Ferguson (R-NJ) are introducing legislation that would affirm the right for American consumers to install solar systems on their roofs and receive fair treatment as energy producers.

Highlights of SOLAR Act.

The S.O.L.A.R. Act contains the following provisions:
Net Metering: Requires utilities, within 1 year of the date of enactment, to provide net metering for  customer owned solar power systems up to 2 MW in size at retail rates. (The legislation would require utilities  to credit  their customers at retail prices for supplying excess solar power to the grid.)

Interconnection: Requires the Federal Energy Regulation Commission, within 1 year of the date of enactment, to publish model standards for physical connection between the electric grid and customer owned solar systems up to 20 MW in size.
The model standards shall have separate expedited procedures for systems under 15 kW and for systems between 15 kW and 2 MW.

Solar Siting Rights: Instructs the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to issue regulations within 180 days of enactment that 1)prohibit any private covenant, contract provision, lease provision, homeowners' association rule or bylaw, or similar restriction that impairs homeowners' ability to install and use a solar energy system and 2) expedite the approval, where such approval is required, of applications to install systems.

Cap on Permitting and Licensing Fees: Requires that permitting and licensing fee costs are $500 or less for residential installations, and $10,000 or less for commercial installations.

By signing this petition we can show our support to the Senator and our government that we need energy independence, curb carbon output and combat Global Warming. This is a very important first step of many we all need to take.

"....this bill will benefit consumers and spur needed investment in the solar energy industry, which promises to play a big role in America's drive to energy independence." Sen. Menendez

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