Help Save our Amazing Birds

Birds are amazing creatures. Their songs, calls, and antics add so much joy to our time in nature. But they also send us a very important message. Like us, they need the right food, clean air, and clean water to survive and thrive. When birds don't have what they need, we don't either.

Birds tell us what they need and warn us of impending danger. Their movements tell us where the impacts of climate change are disrupting habitats and resources. Where that happens, people will suffer, too.

Birds also show us when we've done something right. The rapid resurgence of Bald Eagles, Peregrine Falcons, and Brown Pelicans after DDT was banned is an example of how birds give us positive news after good deeds.

Birds are the one of most common animals we encounter regularly. Audubon was formed because of its members' love of our birds and a desire to ensure that future generations can enjoy them. Audubon works tirelessly to protect the birds we share and the places they need to survive. Sign today, and you can help Audubon lead the way in protecting birds for generations to come. 

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