Tell North Carolina: Reject 'Forced Pooling' Fracking!

When the state legislature voted in 2012 to pursue fracking in North Carolina, legislators also called for a study of the very controversial practice of 'forced pooling.' Forced pooling is when the state forces an unwilling landowner to let companies extract their gas.
A dated North Carolina law (written in 1945) theoretically endorses the concept of forced pooling, but the language is vague, has never been used, and never could be without additional legislation. Unfortunately, the study finished in September and recommended that forced pooling be allowed.
Throughout the debate over fracking, pro-drilling state legislators and regulators have claimed they want the strongest, fairest possible rules. But, when push comes to shove, leaders worry about scaring away the industry. Forced pooling is a prime example of this: it’s wrong, but industry wants it.
Tell NC state legislators if they are serious about keeping their word and setting tough, fair standards, they need to reject forced pooling.
Dear [legislator],
I'm very concerned about a significant threat to property rights in North Carolina called forced pooling. I think we should agree that the state should never be in the business of forcing unwilling landowners to let gas be produced from under their land no matter what they think about fracking.
A dated NC law theoretically endorses the concept, but the language is vague, has never been used, and never could be without additional legislation.
[Your comments will be inserted here.]
I'm urging you to please oppose any legislation that would allow forced pooling to happen in North Carolina.
[Your name here]
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