Stop the Demonization of Wolves

Luna, a wolf pup, recovered from a fractured right femur at the International Wolf Center in Minnesota and is now an ambassador wolf pup helping to convince tens of thousands of people about the critical need for wolves and wildlands.
Luna's indomitable spirit and fight back to health is a remarkable story of resiliency and the result of a month of 24/7 healing by wolf care staff.
It's hard to believe that anyone could look Luna in the eye and imagine a world without such a magnificent creature. But a mere 50 years ago, wolves were nearly wiped out in the United States. Now, in some states, wolves will be legally hunted and trapped for sport again!
Will we ever overcome the misplaced fears and demonization of wolves? With the help of Luna, the International Wolf Center, and you, we can. Pledge to support the International Wolf Center's efforts to educate people about wolves and advocate for their survival and you'll receive information on how to speak intelligently on wolves' behalf .
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