Take the pledge to #Vote4MentalHealth

Election Day is around the corner on Tuesday, Nov. 5. As we all prepare to cast our ballots, we have one question for you: will you #Vote4MentalHealth this year?

You already vote for mental health at the ballot box, even if you don't realize it. Nearly all campaign issues — from health care to the economy to housing and more — affect mental health. The policymakers we elect at all levels of government will make decisions impacting mental health resources and services in our communities.

The first step to help make mental health a priority is to take the pledge to #Vote4MentalHealth. The pledge doesn't commit you to vote for a particular candidate. Your pledge is a commitment to do one thing: take the time to understand how your vote impacts people affected by mental health conditions.

Sign now to join NAMI and ensure you're ready to #Vote4MentalHealth.
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