Stop Oil Supertanker Traffic on BC's North Coast

The Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline and supertanker project puts our environment at risk, threatens thousands of good jobs, and is opposed by over 60% of British Columbians.
The Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline would pump raw bitumen from Alberta's oilsands through 1,100km of rivers and pristine rainforest. That's a scary reality given Enbridge's record on pipeline safety - over 800 spills between 1999 and 2010, resulting in over 16,000 barrels of oil into the environment.
Worse still, The Enbridge Northern Gateway is a huge economic risk to the industries at the heart of many British Columbia communities. The impacts of a pipeline or tanker spill would be disastrous. Over 45,000 fisheries and tourism jobs in British Columbia could be directly affected - or wiped out forever.
That's why NDP MP Nathan Cullen has introduced Bill C-628, An Act to Defend the Pacific Northwest, to stop oil supertanker traffic on BC's North Coast.
Stephen Harper will do anything to push his big oil agenda. Don't let him risk our coast, too. Sign on now to help stop Northern Gateway.
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