Tell Gale Norton to Do Her Job and Protect Wolves!

Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton, who is charged with protecting our nation's natural resources, is not doing her job when it comes to wolf protection and conservation. In fact, too many of her actions have further threatened America's wolves.
Last year, a federal court overturned Secretary Norton's attempts to reduce wolf protections in the lower 48 states. But just weeks ago, Secretary Norton transferred responsibility for wolf management in central Idaho from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service over to the state of Idaho - a state that, in 2001, passed a memorandum calling for the eradication of wolves in Idaho "by any means necessary."
And for the past three years, Secretary Norton has pointedly refused to implement and enforce federal law to stop Alaska's barbaric practice of using airplanes to chase down and kill wolves.
Sign the petition below to stand up for America's wolves and urge Secretary Norton to do her job to protect and recover the gray wolf.
Dear Secretary Norton,
I am writing as a supporter of Defenders of Wildlife to express my outrage over recent federal rules weakening federal protections for gray wolves. Wolves are only just now starting to make a comeback. I urge you to restore their protections so that they can continue their recovery.
Wolves once roamed through all of the Lower 48 states. Now they survive on less than 5 percent of their former range. We need to save wildlife like wolves for future generations of Americans. Please live up to your mission to enforce the Endangered Species Act across the nation to protect and recover the grey wolf; implement and enforce the Federal Airborne Hunting Act in Alaska to end aerial gunning of wolves; and do what is right for the wolf.
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