Keep the Promise to Fight Poverty

Efforts by the ONE Campaign helped to secure a one billion dollar increase in anti-poverty funding for 2007. But Congress failed to pass funding bills for the 2007 fiscal year in the closing hours of their session.
The result is that any funding increases that we secured in 2006 are in jeopardy - as are the lives and livelihoods of millions of the world's poorest people who were counting on this funding. They risk losing access to anti-malarial bed nets, AIDS medicines, clean water, and the opportunity to send their children to school.
Thankfully, there is still some limited money that Congress can allocate for the 2007 budget. We need to let Congress know that we want this money to go towards fighting extreme poverty and global AIDS so that we do not take a giant step backwards.
Mercy Corps and the ONE Campaign are asking you to sign this petition telling Congress to protect anti-poverty funding and save lives - don't let the progress we made last year be rolled back in 2007.
Dear Member of Congress,
I urge you not to cut the $1 billion in planned funding to fight extreme poverty and AIDS as a result of the year long continuing resolution. This funding is vital to provide clean water, food, education and life saving medicine to the world's most vulnerable people.
[your comment here]
Any decision by Congress to "flat line" spending for fiscal year 2007 will have permanent human consequences that cannot be undone with additional funding later. There are few places in the U.S. federal budget where dollars translate so directly into lives saved. Without the additional funding to fight extreme poverty, 300,000 people with HIV/AIDS will not receive life-sustaining treatment, nearly 1 million anti-malarial bednets will not be distributed, and 120,000 people will not receive treatment for tuberculosis.
America has a long tradition of global leadership. We have many resources to share with our global neighbors. In fighting extreme poverty, these resources must be marshaled from every source.
I urge you to fully fund the $1 billion for poverty-focused development assistance so that America can help win the war against the indignities of poverty.
[your name]
[your address]
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