Tell Facebook to Delete the "Dog Fighting" Page and Include Prohibiting Pages that Promote Animal Ab

  • by: Kelley Hirst
  • recipient: Mark Zuckerberg, Founder and CEO of Facebook

A cruel and disturbing page has appeared on Facebook which promotes Dog Fighting.  It features graphic photos and comments lauding the practice of animals tearing each other apart for human entertainment.  It is violent and deeply disturbing to dog lovers in particular and anyone who believes that such cruelty is abhorent. Yet its members arrogantly proclaim it as a worthy "sport" that has gone on since the time of the emperors.

Several people have reported the page as being cruel and violent.  However as it is not an American page but originates from a country where dog fighting appears to be legal, and is neither adult in nature nor promotes hate against humans--unless you oppose them--Facebook does not seem to think there is anything wrong with it.

Below is the answer from Facebook when the photo shown here which was displayed on their page was reported:

"We reviewed your report of dog fighting's photo Thank you for taking the time to report something that you feel may violate our community standards. Reports like yours are an important part of making facebook a safe and welcoming environment. We reviewed the photo you reported for annoying and distasteful humor and found it doesn't violate our community standards"

Here is the page.  At the risk of upsetting you, have a look and if it disgusts you please take a stand.

Please tell Facebook that promoting animal cruelty is wrong.  

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